Do Snowbirds Really Live Longer?
Most statistics in the U.S. focus on the changes taking place in residences, thereby missing the actual temporary moves, including business trips, seasonal migration, as well as vacations. In this blog post, we analyze the permanent and temporary in and out movements of the elderly for business, holidays, or seasonal migration not just in Florida but other places within the United States. Our objective is to develop a particular methodology used to estimate the actual number of temporary migrants while analyzing the health benefits and drawbacks of migrating to warmer regions.
Do Snowbirds Really Live Longer?
If snowbirds really live longer is difficult to answer. What we can say is that most snowbirds have a happy and pleasant time when they go south in the winter. Because they are much more outside, because of the pleasant weather, they have more exercise, and with it improved physical health, the sun gives them a boost of Vitamin D, and it is said that warmer climates enhance cardiovascular health.

Some of the results
Using our survey data, we have estimated the number and duration of specified temporary moves coupled with origins and destinations of elderly migrants. We have estimated that in Florida, there are up to 600,000 temporary migrants as well as 300,000 elderly temporary out-migrants, especially in winter. Income, employment, as well as health status and general well-being, were some of the significant determinants of temporary migration in winter.
That said, in this blog post, we seek to address issues that snowbirds could encounter when traveling to the new locations, and even after settling in. So, do snowbirds really live longer? Well, some people think that they do, while others may not really be sure. According to the extensive research we have conducted over the years, we can attest to the fact that snowbirds live longer. To understand why we traveled to the world of sunseekers and compared it to the warmer areas they are often inclined to settle in. We then based our facts on the research and findings. Let us delve into the basics first.
The impacts of climatic changes are such as warming temperatures, an increase in the impact and frequency of extreme weather conditions, transition in precipitation, and rising sea levels. Such impacts can threaten human and animal health by affecting the food they eat, the air they breathe, coupled with the weather experience. The severity of the health risks depends on the involvement of the public health and safety departments to address these issues or better yet, just prepare for the changing threats. Other than that, the impact of these factors can also interfere with a person's behavior, gender, economic status, and also character. Impacts will often vary based on where an individual resides, how sensitive they are to the imposed health threats, and how much these people are often exposed to various climatic changes. It is also crucial to note that the weather factor can determine the health of an individual and their ability to adapt to and respond to the new climatical changes. People in colder areas may be more vulnerable to various health risks globally. Certain populations, including pregnant women, seniors, and children, face increased risks.
We will now look at some of the top incentives of living in warmer areas.
Warmer climates enhance cardiovascular health
There are several potential health benefits of spending the winter in warmer climates, primarily if you often use sunscreen when going outside. That said, the weather plays a contributing role in helping people play outside often and do activities that may increase their fitness and maintain their weight. People with arthritis feel that warm weather helps their mobility while lowering their daily pain. When they leave their native colder regions, they often stay near sea level, thereby exposed to high oxygen levels. This assists the body's red blood cells to be more saturated with oxygen, usually taking the burden away from someone's heart. This implies that warmer weathered-regions are more human-friendly. And that is why sunseekers travel to such areas in winter. A friendly environment definitely plays a role in enhancing the health of sunseekers. Therefore, they end up living longer.
The cold snowbird thermometer
Having summer is definitely great. You will get to enjoy the sunshine, get suntanned, swim, as well as have fun in the water. But not all U.S. states can provide its people with such experience. There is, therefore, the need for people who live in cold weather areas to relocate to warmer regions of the state. Moving to such states has several good sides. Even if you love the snow, it is proven that warm weather has a positive impact on the body.
In this post, we shall highlight the pros of moving to a warmer state which include;

1. Escaping the cold and absorbing Vitamin D
Leaving Canada or any other cold region because of the frigid temperatures for a warmer climate is one of the reasons for snowbirds migration. Many of them are retirees as well as seniors. Therefore, leaving the cold behind implies leaving behind cold-related aches such as arthritis because our bodies definitely love the sun. Sun rays cause the synthesis of vitamin D into your body. In turn, it makes you healthier and more energetic. Just to reiterate the point, vitamin D is also good for your bones. It can prevent cancer and is pretty much beneficial for blood pressure other than stabilizing your heart and strengthening your immunity. Vitamin D additionally activates your metabolism. Other than that, vitamin D is linked to reduced cases of death in people with cancer. This is according to research by Michigan State University.
2. Warm weather improves memory
Human-induced climate changes have vastly accelerated over the decades. This has caused adverse health effects. But the impact of these climatic changes on neurological disorders, especially in older people is not intensely understood. Therefore, we have recently applied the time-varying Cox proportional hazard models to estimate the association between hospital admissions, particularly for people with dementia, as well as the actual mean and variability of winter and summer temperatures in the U.S.
We ended up estimating seasonal temperatures for different states using a satellite-based model of prediction. By characterizing various spatial differences coupled with temporal fluctuations in different seasonal temperatures, we found out that there is a lower risk of dementia-associated hospitalizations in warm-weather areas. The opposite was true in cold areas. We have therefore concluded that warm weather areas are more body friendly. Winter visitors enjoy better health in those areas. Better health is appended to a longer life.
3. Improved physical health
During winter, everyone is pretty much more vulnerable to the cold weather. People with neurological disorders develop cold-related problems, including heightened nerve pain, especially when the temperatures get low. In this segment, we offer a detailed explanation of how cold temperatures interfere with your immunity in cold weather. We also provide insightful ideas on how winter visitors can evade such temperatures in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle. That said, people with neurological conditions can have additional reasons to escape the cold successfully. Such as:
Nerve Pain: If you have a health condition involving nerve pain, including trigeminal neuralgia or temporomandibular joint disorder- which are life-threatening, you will realize that the cold temperature has a grievous effect on the symptoms you have. This has a lot to do with your nervous system as well as how it reacts to various temperature changes. If the temperature is hot, the pain may subside.

Cold weather can also cause muscle spasms, particularly to those with multiple sclerosis. It is vital to stay in warm areas during winter. Cold weather is also an issue for people with Parkinson's disease. These individuals are usually offered an annual jab to protect them against seasonal flu. This is pretty much because they are more susceptible to contracting the flu virus- this implies that they can have a higher risk of developing complications, especially if they catch the flu. The emerging shreds of evidence linking temperature exposure to health risks such as neurological disorders that may result in a burden on healthcare services are poorly understood.
But in this blog post, we have highlighted key points, including how body temperature decreases with the advancing age and how it is increasingly variable in older people, which is a result of the thermoregulatory failure. Improved physical health is highly linked to a better, longer life.
4. Living the good life
Active seniors have doctors in various locations. These doctors always know their history because they may end up spending the entire year in different places. With the rise of online information-sharing capabilities, it is pretty easy for healthcare professionals to access health records from various domiciles. Caregivers have developed resources in every location. Using these dockets, seniors are capable of finding extra useful hands for tasks, including upgrading computer skills. They also enjoy the warm weather climates because they can bask in the sun and allow their skin to synthesize vitamin D, making being a sunseeker the best of both worlds. With the doctors always on call to assist seniors, emergency cases can be handled promptly. This implies that there will be reduced cases of death.
5. The sun is a stress healer
Stress is known as the number one killer across the world. According to the American Medical Association, chronic stress is the cause of human illnesses and other life-threatening diseases like depression and anxiety. The body naturally does a great job of dealing with acute stress. But in the cold weather, stress can become chronic. Meanwhile, when the sun rays reach the eyes, the brain starts to produce serotonin, which is an important happiness hormone that makes you feel better. It also improves your mood. Usually, the level of this hormone melatonin will decrease when you are exposed to the sun. It then makes you sleepy and relaxes the body's psychological functions, such as influencing self-esteem directly. On that note, in winter, most people become more depressed. They also register melancholic patterns in the presence of sufficient sunshine. People living in cold areas have registered high numbers of suicides according to statistics. The absence of stress in life could only signify improved health and longer life.
So, just to answer the question, yes, sunseekers live longer because of the health benefits their bodies harvest from the warmer areas they settle in. Some people definitely love the cold. There is nothing wrong with that decision. But if you are one of those individuals suffering from freezing temperatures and need extra reasons to make that viable decision to relocate to a warmer climate, then we have given you good reasons. The apparent leading reason people tend to select Florida and other warm areas is because of the natural beauty it possesses coupled with the gorgeous beaches as well as amazing outdoor recreation opportunities.