Roquetas de Mar is located on the Mediterranean coast, in the Costa Almeria. The town sits 21 km (13 Miles) from Almeria City and has a rich historical heritage while boasting of favorable climate and pristine, sandy beaches. Agriculture and fishing were the main drivers of the economy here before it became a popular resort. The old town area can be described as a window into the past when Roquetas de Mar was occupied by the Romans and the Moors. The construction of the new part of the town referred to as the "Playa Serena Urbanization", began in the late 1960s. Roquetas de Mar has a stunning landscape, a mix of old and new architecture, and excellent recreational opportunities for its visitors.
November weather in Roquetas de Mar Spain To get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in November in Roquetas de Mar, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if November is comfortable or humid Generally, November in Roquetas de Mar will be really nice. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 71°F / 22°C. But due to the very dry air, it can feel somewhat uncomfortable for some people. During the night, it will cool down to around 55°F / 13°C. Roquetas de Mar has rainy days in November. You can expect around 10 rainy days, with on average 3.1 inches / 78 mm of rain during the whole month.
The forecast for November 2025 is based on historical data and are averages. They will give a good indication what you can expect, but the daily temperature and rain will fluctuate during the month.
November weather in Roquetas de Mar Spain in more detail To get a better feeling for the type of weather, you can expect in November in Roquetas de Mar, we will look at the temperature, rain, wind, humidity, water temperature, and sun and clouds- What will the temperature be in Roquetas de Mar in November Generally, you can expect in November an average temperature of 71°F / 22°C during the day and an average of 55°F / 13°C during the night. In November, during the warmest part of the afternoon, the temperature can often get as high as 84°F / 29°C, and at the end of the night, it can get as low as 42°F / 6°C.
When looking at the whole year, January and December are the coldest months, with an average temperature of around 66°F / 19°C. July is the hottest month, with an average temperature of around 100°F / 38°C. When comparing November with the temperature in the month before and after, this is slightly lower than October, which sees an average maximum temperature of around 80°F / 27°C. And slightly more than December, which sees an average maximum temperature of around 66°F / 19°C.
Day and night temperature variation for Roquetas de Mar during the year. Day and night temperature variation for Roquetas de Mar during the year.
But average temperatures only tell half of the story. It is also good to check the maximum and minimum temperatures. When looking at the whole year, July and August are the hottest months, with a temperature of around 107°F / 42°C. January is the coldest month, with a temperature of around 77°F / 25°C. When comparing November with the temperature in the month before and after, this is slightly lower than October, which sees an average maximum temperature of around 93°F / 34°C. And slightly more than December, which sees an average maximum temperature of around 78°F / 26°C.
In the following graph, you can see how many cold and hot days you can expect in Roquetas de Mar each month:
Day and night temperature variation for Roquetas de Mar during the year. Day and night temperature variation for Roquetas de Mar during the year.
- Can you expect rain in November in Roquetas de Mar? Generally, you can expect about 10 rain days in November, with on average 3.1 inches / 78 mm of rain.
When looking at the whole year, July is the dryest month, with an average rainfall of around 0.5 inches / 13 mmmm. May is the wettest month, with an average rainfall of around 3.9 inches / 99 mmmm. When comparing November with the month before and after, this is a lot more than October, which sees around 2.3 inches / 58 mm of rain. And a lot more than December, which sees around 2.4 inches / 61 mm of rain
Rain days for Roquetas de Mar during the year. Rain days for Roquetas de Mar during the year.
If we look at the number of days with rain, July is the month with the least amount of rain days with around 4 days. May is the month with the most rain days with around 12 days. When comparing November with the month before and after, this is equal to October, which sees around 10 days of rain. And almost equal to December, which sees around 9 days of rain
- What will the water temperature be in Roquetas de Mar for November You can expect in November, the water temperature for Roquetas de Mar to be between 69°F / 21°C and 62°F / 17°C.
To compare the water temperature we will use the maximum water temperature. You can expect this temperature on a more sunny day, close to the shore, when the wind does not mix the relatively warmer and colder water. August has the highest water temperature, with around 78°F / 26°C. February has the lowest water temperature, with an average of between 60°F / 16°C and 62°F / 17°C. When comparing the water temperature from November with the month before and after, November has a water temperature slightly lower than October, with a water temperature of around 73°F / 23°C. And slightly more than the water temperature from December, that is around 64°F / 18°C.
Water temperature for Roquetas de Mar during the year. Water temperature for Roquetas de Mar during the year.
- Can you expect in November a lot of sunny days in Roquetas de Mar Generally, you can expect around 10 sunny days in November and around 12 partly sunny days. The remaining days will be cloudy.
When looking at the whole year, July is the month with the highest number of sunny days, with an average of between 19 and 20 sunny days. April is the month with the lowest number of sunny days, with an average of between 8 and 9 sunny days. When comparing November with the number of sunny days in the month before and after, it is almost equal to October, with an average of between 10 and 11 sunny days. And almost equal to December, with an average of between 10 and 11 sunny days
The number of sunny, partly sunny, and cloudy days for Roquetas de Mar The number of sunny, partly sunny, and cloudy days for Roquetas de Mar
We have looked at the sunny days in Roquetas de Mar. Let's also look at the cloudy or overcast days. December is the month with the highest number of cloudy days, with an average of between 8 and 9 cloudy days. July is the month with the lowest number of cloudy days, with an average of between 0 and 1 cloudy days. When comparing November with the number of cloudy days in the month before and after, it is almost equal to October, with an average of between 6 and 7 cloudy days. And almost equal to December, with an average of between 8 and 9 cloudy days
- Will it be comfortable in November in Roquetas de Mar? Generally, November in Roquetas de Mar will have very dry air, and can feel somewhat uncomfortable for some people. But will be fine for most..
We use the humidity and temperature in Roquetas de Mar to calculate the Wintersun Expert Comfort level for each month. The lower the Wintersun Expert Comfort level, the more comfortable it will be. Only for certain people, extremely dry air can feel slightly uncomfortable. When looking at the whole year, January has the lowest humidity, with a Wintersun Expert comfort level of "comfortable" (very dry air). July has the highest humidity, with a Wintersun Expert comfort level of "comfortable" (not very humid). When comparing November with the month before and after, this is slightly less than October, which has a Wintersun Comfort level of "comfortable" (very dry air). And slightly less than December, which has a Wintersun Comfort level of "very comfortable" (dry air)
Wintersun Expert Humidity / Comfort level for Roquetas de Mar Wintersun Expert Humidity / Comfort level for Roquetas de Mar
What to do in Roquetas de Mar Spain in November
The coastal town offers its visitors excellent places to explore and enjoy. Some of them are:
The Beaches: The beaches in Roquetas de Mar are very vast and well maintained. They have bagged numerous awards including the "Blue flag award" or the "Q de Calidad Turística" in recent years. Playa Aguadulce, Playa Cerrillos, Playa Romanilla , and La Bajadilla are crowded beaches with astounding scenery, fine sand, many water-based activities, and a designated nudist area as well. Backed by an attractive promenade and chic sea bars, these beaches are the life of the town and offer something for all ages. Playa de Los Bajos and La Ventilla are quieter beaches and offer more peace, serenity, and privacy.Castillo de Santa Ana was built in the 16th century directly over the beach on rocks. It was built as a protection against the numerous pirate attacks. This medieval castle has thick walls and fortified towers and can be seen from the beach. The sight of its towers is one of the attractions of this historic building Faro de Santa Ana is an old lighthouse situated next to the Castillo Santa Ana. The lighthouse is used as an exhibition hall throughout the year for paintings, sculptures, photographs, and other cultural documentations.Museo Taurino is a bullfighting museum. It has five rooms that display the history and culture of bullfighting in the region. The museum can be found inside the bullring. Many of the cultural events of Roquetas de Mar. concerts are held in the bullring as well.Aquarium of Roquetas de Mar : It is the largest aquarium in Andalusia with more than a thousand marine specimens. Here you can learn about the habitats of various marine animals. Visit for more details.Playa Serena Golf Club is a great golf course with a gorgeous landscape where visitors can enjoy a fun afternoon of golf.
Is it humid in Roquetas de Mar Spain in November? A lot of people ask interested in the humidity or relative humidity for Roquetas de Mar Spain in November. But the real question they want to ask is not about humidity but the amount of moisture in the air. Or better, about comfort. Will it be comfortable in November in Roquetas de Mar, or will high humidity make it uncomfortable. To answer this question, we have to look at the dew point. Relative humidity can change a lot in Roquetas de Mar during the day and night, as it changes when the amount of moisture changes and, but also when the temperature changes. It is a lot less reliable for comfort. Where the dew point only varies with the amount of moisture in the air.Looking at the dew point, we can see that for the month of November, you can expect that Roquetas de Mar will have very dry air, and can feel somewhat uncomfortable for some people. But will be fine for most..
January is the month with the most comfort. It will have very dry air, and can feel somewhat uncomfortable for some people. But will be fine for most.. July is the most uncomfortable month. It will be moderately humid, and can feel slightly uncomfortable for some. In the graph, you can see that there is a significant difference between the most comfortable and most uncomfortable months
Humidity level for Roquetas de Mar Humidity level for Roquetas de Mar
Is November a good time to go to Roquetas de Mar Spain? Trying to answer the question of whether November is a good time to go to Roquetas de Mar is not as easy as it first seems. Some people like colder weather, and others prefer a warmer climate. Some are fine with some humidity, and others are not. If your location has air conditioning, the night temperature is less important. These are some examples. I will try to answer the question with a more generic person in mind. The more detailed information in this article should be enough to check further if this applies to you as well.
If we look at the average temperature for Roquetas de Mar in November, we can see that it will be fine for most people. In November, you can expect it to be really nice, with an average temperature of around 71°F / 22°C. But due to the very dry air, it can feel somewhat uncomfortable for some people. During the night, it will be around 55°F / 13°C. The number of overcast days is more than 5, but you can still the sun with around 10 sunny days and 12 partly sunny days. The last aspect we will look at is rain. You can expect around 10 rainy days, with on average 3.1 inches / 78 mm of rain during November. More then 5 days rain per month makes the chance higher you will see some rain during a shorter stay. But a day with rain does not mean a day you can not enjoy. We have looked at the average day temperature, the night temperature, humidity, the number of overcast days, and the rain. We think that November a good time to go to Roquetas de Mar Spain for most visitors.
Does it rain all day in Roquetas de Mar Spain in November?
In Roquetas de Mar, it does not rain all day in November. You can expect around 10 rainy days, with on average 3.1 inches / 78 mm of rain during the month. Another way of looking at the rain is the number of sunny days. For Roquetas de Mar Spain, there are, on average 10 sunny days and 12 partly sunny days in November. That clearly shows that it is not raining all the time.
Is November the rainiest month in Roquetas de Mar Spain? November is not the month with the most rainy days, and not the month with the most rain. To answer what the rainiest month is in Roquetas de Mar, we will both look at the month with the most rain, and the month with the highest number of rainy days. May is the month with the the highest number of rainiest days. On average, you can expect 12 days with rain. July is the month with the lowest number of rainy days, with aproximately 4 days. May is the month with the most rain. This is not equal as the one with the most rainy days. On average, you can expect 3.9 inches / 99 mm of rain. July is the month with the least amount of rain. This is not the same month as the one with the lowest number of rainy days. You can expect approximately 0.5 inches / 13 mm of rain.
Is November the most sunniest month in Roquetas de Mar Spain? November is not the month with the most sunny days, not the month with the most partly sunny days, and it is not the month with the lowest number of overcast days. To answer what the sunniest month is in Roquetas de Mar, we will of course look at the month with the most sunniest days, but also look at the month with the biggest number of days that are sunny or partly sunny. July is the month with the highest number of sunny days. On average, you can expect 10 sunny days, and 12 partly suny days. April is the month with the lowest number of sunny days. July is the month with the highest number of sunny days and partly sunny days combined. While February is the month with the lowest number of sunny days and partly sunny days combined. The last thing we will look at is the number of overcast days. July is the month with the lowest number of overcast days. While December is the month with the highest number of overcast days.
More information about Roquetas de Mar Spain Weather in Roquetas de Mar Spain in other months
What to do in Roquetas de Mar Spain for each month