What to do in December in Cuernavaca, Mexico - 2024
Cuernavaca is a Mexican city, capital of the state of Morelos and it is located 85 km (53 Miles) south of Mexico City and 290 km (180 Miles) north of Acapulco. The name “Cuernavaca” means “surrounded by trees”.
Before we have a look at what you can do in Cuernavaca, let's first look at the weather you can expect in December.
- 1 December weather in Cuernavaca Mexico
- 2 Things to see and do in Cuernavaca
- 3 Shopping in Cuernavaca
- 4 Activities in Cuernavaca
- 5 Restaurants in Cuernavaca
- 6 More things to see in Cuernavaca
- 7 More information about Cuernavaca Mexico
- 8 What to do in Cuernavaca Mexico in other months
- 9 Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for each month
To get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in December in Cuernavaca Mexico, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if December is comfortable or humid
Generally, December in Cuernavaca Mexico will be really nice. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 75°F / 24°C. Due to the dry air, it will feel very comfortable. During the night, it will cool down to around 59°F / 15°C.
Cuernavaca Mexico has some rainy days in December. You can expect around 5 rainy days, with on average 0.5 inches / 12 mm of rain during the whole month.
The forecast for December 2024 is based on historical data and are averages. They will give a good indication what you can expect, but the daily temperature and rain will fluctuate during the month.
Cuernavaca has many things to soo. With help from our visitors we have dived a list of things to see in. If you have any sugestions or improvements for this list, please let us know.
Robert Brady Museum
MuseumThroughout the Year
Robert Brady Museum is named after an American artist and collector of art pieces. Many exhibitions are held here.
Catedral de Cuernavaca
Event/FestivalThroughout the Year
Catedral de Cuernavaca is an ancient building with many items used on the battlefield. The services and mass are held there even today.
Santa Prisca Church
CulturalThroughout the Year
Santa Prisca Church tells a lot about ancient architecture. The building is easily accessible by public transportation.
Jardín Borda
CulturalThroughout the Year
Jardín Borda was the former residence of a wealthy man, now converted into a museum.
Nature/Wild LifeThroughout the Year
Zoofari has over one thousand animals offering many fun activities, including camel rides, pony rides, and ziplining.
Chapultepec Ecological Park
ParkThroughout the Year
Chapultepec Ecological Park is considered the lungs of the city. Many educational events, scientific events, and fun for kids are organized here.
Cuernavaca Downtown
CityThroughout the Year
Cuernavaca Downtown has many cafes, shops, bars, parks, and events organized here.
Papalote Children's Museum
MuseumThroughout the Year
Papalote Children's Museum has more than three hundred displays, including paintings, videos, and photos.
Salto de San Anton Waterfall
Nature/Wild LifeThroughout the Year
Salto de San Anton Waterfall has a 100-meter staircase close to the waterfall to help the tourists get a better view.
In Cuernavaca you will find the perfect souvenir to take home with you. Here there are stores for all kinds of needs. There is no shortage of shopping opportunities in this city.
- AVERANDA - Mexico-Acapulco Km 73.573, Villas del Lago, 62370 - averanda.com.mx/
- Forum Cuernavaca - C. Jacarandas 103, Ricardo Flores Magon, 62370 - www.forumcuernavaca.mx/
Animal lovers will have an amazing experience spending time with the animals who live here freely. There are 150 species of protected animals living there.
The city's climate supports a few simple sporting activities like golfing. There are several lush green golf courses are available for exciting rounds of golf.
Visit museums
There are tons of museums with pieces that are an ode to the history of the town. One such is the Brady museum, with a vast collection of art from around the world. There are also art pieces and handcrafted items from love artists, which you can fully see and appreciate their beauty.
Visit nature parks
There are several nature and ecological parks that are home to native wildlife, which you can explore.
The center of town has some excellent restaurants:
- Fonda la Güera - C. Río Tepozteco 310, zona 1, Reforma, 62269
- Casa Manzano Restaurante Boutique - Av Teopanzolco 400, Reforma, 62260
- Casa Hidalgo - Miguel Hidalgo 6, Cuernavaca Centro, Centro, 62000
Borda garden
Well worth a visit is Borda garden. Walking down this outstanding garden with multiple blooms on display is therapeutic and calming for many people. There are fountains, pools, and plants, as well as flowers. There is also a small art museum in the garden.
The Cathedral
The Cathedral is an amazing baroque-style building that was erected in 1525 by Franciscan missionaries who came to evangelize in Mexico. Visitors will have the chance to see an authentic 15th-century building.
Agua Hedionda water park
Agua Hedionda water park was built around a natural spring. This waterpark is believed to have waters with healing properties. Many people come here to float peacefully
Teopanzolco zone
Teopanzolco zone is an archeological site where you go back in history. It contains pyramids that resemble the ones found in Tenochtitlan.
- What to do in January in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in February in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in March in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in April in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in May in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in June in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in July in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in August in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in September in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in October in Cuernavaca Mexico
- What to do in November in Cuernavaca Mexico
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for January
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for February
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for March
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for April
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for May
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for June
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for July
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for August
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for September
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for October
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for November
- Weather in Cuernavaca Mexico for December