Antigua and Barbuda are two Caribbean islands that form a country that lies between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east-southeast of Puerto Rico, off the coast of South America. The official language is English and Creole-English is also spoken.
Before we have a look at what you can do in Antigua And Barbuda, let's first look at the weather you can expect in July.
July weather in Antigua And Barbuda To get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in July in Antigua And Barbuda, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if July is comfortable or humid Generally, July in Antigua And Barbuda will be really nice. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 80°F / 27°C. But due to the extreme humidity it can feel extremely uncomfortable. During the night, it will cool down to around 78°F / 26°C. Many will prefer a location with air conditioning due to the night temperature, and the high humidity level. Antigua And Barbuda has its share of rainy days in July. You can expect around 17 rainy days, with on average 3 inches / 75 mm of rain during the whole month. But remember that rain can be short and heavy for many tropical locations, particularly during the rainy season. It means that the number of days with rain and the amount of rain can be high, but you will still see many lovely days with a short period of heavy rain.
The forecast for July 2025 is based on historical data and are averages. They will give a good indication what you can expect, but the daily temperature and rain will fluctuate during the month.
Things to see and do in Antigua And Barbuda Antigua And Barbuda has many things to soo. With help from our visitors we have dived a list of things to see in. If you have any sugestions or improvements for this list, please let us know.
Half Moon Bay
Beach Throughout the Year
Half Moon Bay has a reef that makes it snorkelers' favorite spot.
Antigua Carnival
Event/Festival July, Aug
Antigua Carnival has ten days-long parties, music, parades, costumes, and many more activities.
Stingray City
Nature/Wild Life Throughout the Year
Stingray City is the favorite spot of couples on honeymoon, where you get an excellent opportunity to meet the stingrays face to face.
17 Mile Beach
Beach Throughout the Year
17 Mile Beach is ideal for boating, kayaking, diving, and sunbathing.
Devil's Bridge: Indian Town National Park
Park Throughout the Year
Devil's Bridge: Indian Town National Park has geysers, hiking trails, and birdwatching spots.
Museum of Antigua and Barbuda
Museum Throughout the Year
The Museum of Antigua and Barbuda has many original and replica art pieces, dwellings, sculptures, and carvings.
Nelson's Dockyard National Park
Park Throughout the Year
Nelson's Dockyard National Park is located close to a museum and two famous forts. There are many art galleries, shops, and restaurants
St. John's
City Throughout the Year
St. John's is the capital with a cruise port. It has a sugar plantation, museum, quays, and a fort.
Dickenson Bay
Beach Throughout the Year
Dickenson Bay has an off-shore reef that is great for snorkeling, swimming, and diving.
Shopping in Antigua And Barbuda Galley Boutique, English Harbour, has great clothes.
1000 Flowers, St. John's, has great clothes.
Activities in Antigua And Barbuda The Frigate bird sanctuary located in Barbuda is perfect for bird lovers to spend some time watching the largest nesting colonies of frigate birds. The sanctuary is accessible by boat and has over 150 other bird species.
Antique and Barbuda have a well-kept museum that details the island's history as far back as the 17th century and its geological origin. There are exhibits, ancient tools, pottery, and more on display.
From touring mangroves in kayaks to exploring lush forests and nature trails, several nature tours can expose snowbirds to flora and fauna they may have never encountered before.
Antigua and Barbuda claim to have enough beaches for each day of the year and snowbirds can take their time exploring the many beaches on the island. Relax, sunbathe, and swim to your heart's content.
Restaurants in Antigua And Barbuda The various restaurants around the island sell both local and international food.
Harmony Hall, near Freetown. It closes for the summer on May 6. The best restaurant on the island.
More things to see in Antigua And Barbuda Stingray city is a shallow sandy-bottomed pool located within a tropical reef, a 5-minute boat ride away from Antigua. You can swim with the stingrays, or if you would rather not, you can feed them from the safety of the boat. After spending time with the rays, you can head to the surrounding reefs to explore more.
Nelson's Dockyard National Park is a UNESCO world heritage site and is one of the most popular and recognizable attractions in Antigua and Barbuda. It was a British naval dockyard in the 18th century and the only remaining functional Georgian dockyard, which has been restored along with a few surrounding historic buildings.
Indian town national park is located on the northeast coast. The park contains a rugged natural limestone archway feature called the Devil's Bridge. Also, geysers of water nearby turn into blowholes when the waves are high, which can be exciting to see.
17-mile beach is located on the sleepy Barbuda island, pale aqua waves wash this long stretch of beach with its pink-tinged sands.
More information about Antigua And Barbuda What to do in Antigua And Barbuda in other months
Weather in Antigua And Barbuda for each month