Calpe is a coastal town located in the comarca of Marina Alta, in the province of Alicante, Valencian Community, Spain, by the Mediterranean Sea. The town is located 67 km (42 Miles) from the city of Alicante and lies at the foot of the Natural Park of Penyal d'Ifac.The economy of Calpe is based mainly on tourism and fishing
Before we have a look at what you can do in Calpe, let's first look at the weather you can expect in May.
May weather in Calpe Spain To get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in May in Calpe Spain, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if May is comfortable or humid Generally, May in Calpe Spain will be really nice. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 75°F / 24°C. As the humidty is low, it will feel very comfortable. During the night, it will cool down to around 55°F / 13°C. Calpe Spain has some rainy days in May. You can expect around 6 rainy days, with on average 1.2 inches / 31 mm of rain during the whole month.
The forecast for May 2025 is based on historical data and are averages. They will give a good indication what you can expect, but the daily temperature and rain will fluctuate during the month.
Things to see and do in Calpe Calpe has many things to soo. With help from our visitors we have dived a list of things to see in. If you have any sugestions or improvements for this list, please let us know.
Old Town Calpe
City Throughout the Year
Old Town Calpe has many churches, cobblestone streets, restaurants, and paintings.
Cruz de May
Event/Festival May
Cruz de May is celebrated at the beginning of May. It means The May Crosses Festival. Huge crosses are decorated with fresh colorful flowers and prominently displayed in the city squares.
Labor Day
Event/Festival May
Labor Day is celebrated on the first of May. There are numerous concerts organized by the most renowned singers. The temperature of the island at this time of the year is ideal for outdoor parties.
Blue Flag beaches
Beach Throughout the Year
Blue Flag beaches are ideal for sun lounging, kayaking, boating, and diving.
Shopping in Calpe Calpe is a city with a year-round population. Most of the stores, bars and restaurants in the center are open.
Activities in Calpe The cinema in Calpe also has movies in English. Check the time table from the Auditorio/Teatro Odeón at
If you like to keep fit, you can find several gym's and group training in English in Calpe.
The date changes each year, but this important religious event is celebrated all over Spain. You can watch the processions from Palm Sunday onwards until Easter Sunday.
If you like playing golf there are multiple golf courses not far from Calpe like the Altea Club de Golf and the Club de Golf Ifach.
In English. Check the website
You can visit Mendoza Winery and tase some of their best wines
The highlight of the Christmas celebrations is the arrival of the Three Kings an the Three Kings parade.
If you like cycling and don't mind some hills Calpe is a good location. You can rent bikes at several locations.
Each Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, you can visit the market that sells fruits, vegetables, but also second-hand products.
A day trip to the Sant Josep caves including a boat trip.
Experience the Carnival with fancy dress costumes and dancing in the streets in the old town (February/March).
See the beautiful medieval town (
If the weather is beautiful, take a boat trip and excursion from Calpe Harbor.
Visit Benidorm, Cartagena or Elche famous for the palmtrees ( .
See the beautiful city of Valencia or go shopping (
Restaurants in Calpe Calpe has a large number of restaurants and shops. Not all of them will be open in the winter, but there is still more than enough choice.
More things to see in Calpe Calpe has several ling sandy beaches surrounded by a promenade with many restaurants and shops. In the summer they are very crowded, but in the winter you can have a big sport for yourself.
Archaeological Museum There are many different routes both on the coastline and more in the countryside.
Visit the old narrow streets of Calpe's Old Town
More than 300 meter (984 feet) high and part of a protected National Park. If you are up to it, you can climb the rock or part of it. There are several guided excursions
Calpe Fish Market (La Lonja de Calpe) originally it was a fish farm.
More information about Calpe Spain What to do in Calpe Spain in other months
Weather in Calpe Spain for each month