What to do in May in Fuengirola, Spain - 2025
Fuengirola is a large town and municipality on the Costa del Sol in the province of Málaga in the autonomous community of Andalusia in southern Spain. It is one of a number of villages along the Costa del Sol that has grown up with and due to tourism.
Before we have a look at what you can do in Fuengirola, let's first look at the weather you can expect in May.
- 1 May weather in Fuengirola Spain
- 2 Things to see and do in Fuengirola
- 3 Shopping in Fuengirola
- 4 Activities in Fuengirola
- 5 Restaurants in Fuengirola
- 6 More things to see in Fuengirola
- 7 More information about Fuengirola Spain
- 8 What to do in Fuengirola Spain in other months
- 9 Weather in Fuengirola Spain for each month
May weather in Fuengirola Spain
To get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in May in Fuengirola Spain, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if May is comfortable or humidGenerally, May in Fuengirola Spain will be really nice. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 77°F / 25°C. As the humidty is low, it will feel very comfortable. During the night, it will cool down to around 57°F / 14°C.
Fuengirola Spain has rainy days in May. You can expect around 7 rainy days, with on average 1.5 inches / 38 mm of rain during the whole month.
The forecast for May 2025 is based on historical data and are averages. They will give a good indication what you can expect, but the daily temperature and rain will fluctuate during the month.
Things to see and do in Fuengirola
Fuengirola has many things to soo. With help from our visitors we have dived a list of things to see in. If you have any sugestions or improvements for this list, please let us know.
International People's Fair (Feria de Los Pueblos)
Event/FestivalApril, May
International People's Fair (Feria de Los Pueblos) has culture shows, local cuisine, handicrafts, and folklore.
Bioparc Fuengirola
ParkThroughout the Year
Bioparc Fuengirola is a cageless animal sanctuary where you will meet crocodiles, gorillas, and hippos.
Shopping in Fuengirola
When it comes to shopping in Fuengirola, you won't be disappointed by the number of options you'll have.
- El Corte Inglés Costa Mijas
- Dunnes Stores
- Miramar Centro Comercial
Activities in Fuengirola
Fuengirola Feria
A cultural festival of the town, held in the first week of October. It is a week-long festival and full of life as it holds great significance for the people. If you are a visitor during this time, you must attend the Feira.
The town is known for its beautiful widespread sandy beaches. There are endless options available for you to spend the perfect day at the beach.
Parque Miramar Shopping Centre
Visitors can spend their time shopping in this large shopping district full of a variety of products at reasonable rates. You will find many restaurants and bars in the area too.
Plaza Constitucion
The plaza is an ideal location for peace lovers. The square has a charming atmosphere where people come and spend a nice relaxing day and enjoy their time at the restaurants and bars in the area.
There are two fantastic golf courses available in the town - Los Olivos and Los Lagos. They are easily accessible and perfect for golf lovers.
Tapas Adventure
One must visit the local tapas bars and taverns to taste the true Spanish culture and tradition of the area.
The area has many routes.
Yoga Retreats
Find the perfect fitness regime for yourself at Fuengirola as the place offers numerous opportunities for you to enjoy your holiday with the best yoga retreats in the area.
Restaurants in Fuengirola
In Fuengirola, you will have an amazing choice of restaurants to choose from.
We recommend:
- Restaurante Pizzería la Pérgola
- Tutto Bene Trattoria
- Restaurante la Caracola
- A Esgaya Fuengirola restaurante
More things to see in Fuengirola
Museo de Historia
The museum takes you through the town's history all the way back to the Romans. It is an interesting visit for those who want to familiarize themselves with the history of Fuengirola.
Bioparc Fuengilora
An artificial tropical forest made for animals. A unique place to visit as this zoo is unlike any other, you get to see and interact with many different animals while being in their natural habitat.
Castillo Sohail
A great historic landmark of the area as the castle was built back in the Moorish times. It lies on top of a hill and is free for visitors. The views from the castle are breathtaking and definitely worth the climb.
Fuengirola Beach
The beach of Fuengirola is a spotless golden sand beach with a large promenade where people like to take long walks and admire the picturesque views of the sea. You will find many restaurants and bars in this area.
Los Boliches
Located in the eastern part of the main town. You can visit the place to experience the true Spanish essence as the square has plenty of restaurants and bars. Easily accessible by train.
More information about Fuengirola Spain
What to do in Fuengirola Spain in other months
- What to do in January in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in February in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in March in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in April in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in June in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in July in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in August in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in September in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in October in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in November in Fuengirola Spain
- What to do in December in Fuengirola Spain
Weather in Fuengirola Spain for each month
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for January
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for February
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for March
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for April
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for May
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for June
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for July
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for August
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for September
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for October
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for November
- Weather in Fuengirola Spain for December