What to do in August in Santa Pola, Spain - 2025
Santa Pola is a coastal town located in the comarca of Baix Vinalopó in the Valencian Community, Spain, by the Mediterranean Sea. Santa Pola is, at present, a coastal fishing and tourist town. The nearby island of Tabarca (part of Alicante) can be visited by ship.
Before we have a look at what you can do in Santa Pola, let's first look at the weather you can expect in August.
- 1 August weather in Santa Pola Spain
- 2 Things to see and do in Santa Pola
- 3 Shopping in Santa Pola
- 4 Activities in Santa Pola
- 5 Restaurants in Santa Pola
- 6 More things to see in Santa Pola
- 7 More information about Santa Pola Spain
- 8 What to do in Santa Pola Spain in other months
- 9 Weather in Santa Pola Spain for each month
August weather in Santa Pola Spain
To get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in August in Santa Pola Spain, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if August is comfortable or humidGenerally, August in Santa Pola Spain will be quite hot. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 91°F / 33°C. As there is not a lot of humidity, it will feel comfortable. During the night, it will cool down to around 69°F / 21°C. Many will prefer a location with air conditioning due to the humidity level.
Santa Pola Spain does not have a lot of rainy days in August. You can expect around 1 rainy days, with on average 0.1 inches / 2 mm of rain during the whole month.
Things to see and do in Santa Pola
Santa Pola has many things to soo. With help from our visitors we have dived a list of things to see in. If you have any sugestions or improvements for this list, please let us know.
Shopping in Santa Pola
Around the city you can find many small shops to do your shopping. From fruit and vegetable shops to clothes and souvenirs.
Most shops are open all year round.
- Mercado pescado Fresco (Fish Market)
- Mercado Central
- Mercadillo Santa Pola (Saturday 08:30-14 and Monday 08:30-14)
- Hiperber Todo Mas Barato
- Centro Comercial Pola Max
Activities in Santa Pola
Walking and Cycling
Sailing and Fishing
Restaurants in Santa Pola
The centerpiece of Santa Pola's gastronomy is fish and rice, seasoned with olive oil, saffron, ñoras (Spanish dried peppers), cloves and salt.
Here you can find typical Spanish restaurants as well as restaurants with international cuisine.
- Restaurante en Santa Pola Pulpería Narcea
- Los Curros
- La taberna de Lucia
- Restaurante Varadero
- Restaurante La Barca
More things to see in Santa Pola
More information about Santa Pola Spain
What to do in Santa Pola Spain in other months
- What to do in January in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in February in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in March in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in April in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in May in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in June in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in July in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in September in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in October in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in November in Santa Pola Spain
- What to do in December in Santa Pola Spain
Weather in Santa Pola Spain for each month
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for January
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for February
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for March
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for April
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for May
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for June
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for July
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for August
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for September
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for October
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for November
- Weather in Santa Pola Spain for December