Carboneras is a Spanish town and municipality located in the southeastern part of the Levante Almeriense region, in the province of Almeria. Famous for its fishing tradition, the well-known beach of Los Muertos, and its Moors and Christians festivities.
Before we have a look at what you can do in Carboneras, let's first look at the weather you can expect in October.
October weather in Carboneras Spain To get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in October in Carboneras Spain, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if October is comfortable or humid Generally, October in Carboneras Spain will be really nice. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 78°F / 26°C. But due to the very dry air, it can feel somewhat uncomfortable for some people. During the night, it will cool down to around 60°F / 16°C. Carboneras Spain has some rainy days in October. You can expect around 4 rainy days, with on average 0.6 inches / 14 mm of rain during the whole month.
The forecast for October 2025 is based on historical data and are averages. They will give a good indication what you can expect, but the daily temperature and rain will fluctuate during the month.
Things to see and do in Carboneras Carboneras has many things to soo. With help from our visitors we have dived a list of things to see in. If you have any sugestions or improvements for this list, please let us know.
Castillo de San Andrés
Nature/Wild Life Throughout the Year
Castillo de San Andrés is a well-preserved and well-restored historic building.
Casa de la Música
Museum Throughout the Year
Casa de la Música is a conservatory dedicated to theatre and music.
Parque Andaluz
Park Throughout the Year
Parque Andaluz is a beautiful park located next to a fort and a promenade.
Playa de los Cocones
Beach Throughout the Year
Playa de los Cocones is a beach suitable for boating, fishing, kayaking, and cooking out.
Playa del Arcón
Beach Throughout the Year
Playa del Arcón is a beach suitable for sunbathing, swimming, and diving.
Playa de los Muertos
Beach Throughout the Year
Playa de los Muertos is one of the most scenic beaches here.
Mesa Roldán Lighthouse
Landmark Throughout the Year
Mesa Roldán Lighthouse is a viewing point where you can get a bird's eye view of the whole surrounding town.
Playa de las Marinicas
Beach Throughout the Year
Playa de las Marinicas is a beach ideal for a family day out with some sun-based fun.
Shopping in Carboneras There are not a huge amount of shops and restaurants in Carboneras.
However around the city you can find souvenir stores, supermarkets, grocery stores or small clothing stores. Almeria is 50 mins by car if you need more and bigger shops.
Activities in Carboneras // to places like:
Las Marinicas Experience the Carnival with fancy dress costumes and dancing in the streets in the old town (February/March) and parade.
It is a public library situated near the coast.
There is a full-fledged Easter festival that includes local gastronomy, auctions, and music, etc.
Yoga classes If the weather is nice take a boat trip and excursion from Carboneras harbor
If you like playing golf there is a golf course in Carboneras, Playa Macenas Beach and Golf Resort and one not far from Carboneras like the Club Marina Golf Mojacar and
If you like to keep fit you can find gyms and group training in English.
Mesa Roldán Castillo de San Andrès If you like cycling and don't mind some hills Carboneras is a good location. You can rent bikes at several locations.
Lighthouse El PlayazoRestaurants in Carboneras In Carboneras there are not many restaurants, but this will not prevent you from tasting a typical Spanish dish or if you prefer some tapas.
Restaurante Los Tarahis La Frontera Asador La Chumbera Restaurante El Cabo
More things to see in Carboneras It is a flat top extinct volcano. Stunning view. There is an old stone tower on top of it. Has a rich history from Moorish times.
It was built in 1991. You can find fishing boats and other recreational activities there.
This beach has clear water and in winter a quiet and serene surrounding.
enshrouded below a cliff, there is a hidden beach which is a natural beauty. This beach is only accessible by foot, but it's worth it when you reach the destination.
A prodigious windmill that is the most prominent feature when you are driving towards the town. This windmill is a museum that provides a history of traditional grinding and other traditional activities.
If you want a casual stroll to witness all the beauties of nature then this park is the perfect place for your strolls.
More information about Carboneras Spain What to do in Carboneras Spain in other months
Weather in Carboneras Spain for each month